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  • April 30, 2021
    Can you learn to genuinely love yourself? How can you gain confidence and resilience in your life? “I love me!” – Leta (aka Mrs. Hotness)
    Leta Greene shares her amazing personal story and some tips on achieving confidence and resilience in your own life with a positive attitude. She wants to empower women of all ages to be confident in who they are and their natural gifts.
  • November 6, 2020
    Video conference after video conference has some people feeling strained. Is this true of you? If so, what can you do to help? Julie’s got your back! She will be sharing some practical tips for reducing your stress and engaging your brain that will have you feeling better in no time!
    Tip #1 – Breathe! Try to breathe deeply, in through your nostrils and out through your nostrils. While...
  • October 2, 2020
    Are you a parent who is panicking at the prospect of “Distance Learning” or needing to homeschool your child or children? Or maybe you are already teaching school at home and are looking for some practical ideas to help you be more successful? Fret no more! Brain Lady Julie is here to share some incredible tips that will help you realize, “you got this”!
    First things first,...
  • November 26, 2018
    Can horses help us build better relationships and become better leaders? What is it about working with equines that can enhance and build our skills and communication? If you spend time with a horse, could it help you to discover hidden success blocks you never even knew you had? Did you know that there is a process called Equine Assisted Learning? Did you realize it can help you to increase your sales...
  • July 9, 2018
    A lot of people are extremely connected to the sunlight, and when it gets dark, gray, and wet, and there are fewer hours of daylight, depression can happen. It affects that neural chemistry in the brain, because, in the end, everything we talk about here on this site goes back to our brain; whether it’s our mind and our mindset and our process of thought or the chemistry in the brain. And for...
  • June 25, 2017
    Have you ever wondered why some people appear naturally gifted at things? Has it ever frustrated you that you may struggle at a task that you think should be simple? If you answered yes, it is time to take a deep breath, release the frustration, and read on.
    Recent scientific research on the brain has given us great insight on how it burns energy. The results are fascinating! Studies show that while...
  • March 30, 2017
    Is it possible for you to improve your health just by thinking the right way? Well, that might just be possible. For the last three decades or so the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed some fascinating research.
    Scientist such as, Dr. David McClelland, found that students who watched a 50-minute film designed to induce positive emotions resulted in a rise in the sigA (Salivary Immunoglobulin...
  • March 24, 2017
    Can your thoughts actually have a negative effect your health? Science says yes. Through the study of psychoneuroimmunology science helps us to see just how devastating negative thoughts and persistent stress will undeniably have on your health. From the reduction of white blood cells to the damage that can take place to your DNA strands. The effect that negative emotions can have on you physically...